Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Say it isn’t so!!!! Believe it or not, we only have 40 more tons of grapes coming in. Sound like a lot? Well, we’ve had about 300 tons so far. Harvest, in terms of grape sorting will be over in a week – boo hoo.

After the final grapes arrive, everything will be in barrels 2, maybe 3 weeks later. Then harvest will definitely be over. No more 6am punchdowns, no more grape sorting, no more shaker tables for the darn cab sauv grapes, no more sniffing carbon dioxide, no more tasting wine at various stages of fermentation, no more rock hard arms!!!!!

Deep in the crevasses and calluses, my hands are stained purple. My teeth are purple too, but that goes away a lot faster!!! I’m sure I’ve touched many of the 750+ new barrels of wine we have aging.

My internship is half way over – time definitely flies when you’re having fun…and waking up at 5am and going to bed at 9pm.

I’m trying my hand at making Rose’ in the garage…actually 2 batches – one pinot noir and a syrah. Let’s see if I can keep them from turning into vinegar. I’m tempted to turn part of my garage in LA into a cold room….hmmmm, something to think about.

Not sure if I did the video thing correctly...oh well...

Cin cin,


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Summer is Over Already???

It went from maybe two weeks of beautiful, clear sunny days in the 70s to dark, cloudy days of pouring rain in the 50s…oh yea, add wind to that, so the rain is sideways. Forget the cheapy collapsible umbrella in my trunk – it turned inside out while I was still trying to open it. I’m still wet from walking ½ a block and it’s after noon.

Whatever, guess it’s raining in LA too, but they’ll get back to the 70s in a matter of days.

I’ve eaten more grapes than you can imagine. I taste everything that comes in – cabernet sauvignon, syrah, chardonnay, pinot noir, viognier, and so forth. The fruit & seeds are usually small & intense. Very sweet.

My hands are still purple, and so are my teeth. I love that friends are tuning into our Crushcams – you know who you are – thank you for watching & chatting!!! For those of you who haven’t checked it out, we’re at http://www.crushpadwine.com/ccam. You can request control of the camera and move it around.

My rotation in the winery is extremely tiring work. Gotta hand it to the guys who do it every day, 6 days a week. Thanks to Andy Popinski who visited & worked 4 days in a row – at least one of my friends can appreciate and understand how & why I’m so exhausted. First time in my life… I heard Andy say “I’m tired”.

My grapes are now in the early stages of wine. In only 1 week, they went from a 1 ton bin doing their fermenting thing & being punched down every day to having all the liquid pressed out of them. The wine (yes, it has alcohol at this point) is now in a barrel with my name on it and the aging process has begun.

Every couple of days, I remove the bung (the stopper) and smell the liquid. It smells like wet oak and is making bubble noises, kind of like an open bottle of soda. My barrel is 3 rows up on a rack, so I climb up the rack like a monkey, cause it’s too narrow for a ladder to fit.

The benefits of this job? My arms are pumped and rock solid. I went golfing (no, I’m not a golfer) in Palm Springs over the weekend for a friend’s bday, and I drove the bar farther than I ever have before. And, my fairway shots were the longest I’ve had as well. I’ll have to figure out a way to keep it up after harvest is over, cause I’m loving this arm workout.

I’m in the winery 10/14-16 and 10/21 from 6a-6p, so tune in an watch & chat. If you can’t see me, post a question asking if I’m there and they’ll answer or get my attention.

Cheers - Linda