Sunday, July 26, 2009

Great day in SF

It's been a bit too cold (think 55 in the morn - BRRR), breezy and foggy for this So Cal gal whose only been in San Francisco for a week. FINALLY, the sun came out today and although it was only mid-60s, it was beautiful today...and I was able to walk around without my jacket - whoo hoo!

Not sure why I left the sun and drove towards the partially cloudy ocean, but the sound of the waves were calling me. Although I didn't get to do 8 sets of the Santa Monica stairs with my friend DJ in LA, I went for a hike in Pacifica along the beach, and up and over some hill that gave me a gorgeous view of the coastline. Even saw a couple seals or sea lions playing in the surf - just look for their black helmet heads.

Looking forward to work tomorrow...haven't said that phrase in a long time. Always fun to learn more about the wine industry.


  1. Well it's a good thing you're thawing out in the sweltering San Fernando Valley for a couple of days!

  2. Cold-----what the heck---come on over to Minnie in a couple of months--hee hee. Great to hear you found a "neat" place to live. Sounds like all is going well :)

  3. Dear Linda,
    I read your blog. Hurry back to S.F. to enjoy the cooler weather and revisit Baker's beach! I miss you !

    Your Cousin
    Robert, he, he
