I've discovered one of the restaurant sections near my place and can't wait to try most of them. Within a few blocks...yes, I walk there...I can find Italian, Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai, Mediterranean, Soul, Hot Pot, American/Hamburger, and a Mexican taqueria that only serves burritos & tacos. Forget about eating there, the counter holds 4-6 people...so I ate on the bench outside the place....was definitely craving Mexican food!!!
There are a couple family run, corner produce stands (the kind they don’t have in LA), a nail salon and a cheapy Chinese home goods store that came in handy to grab a few things for my new place...such as a pitcher for the ever important iced tea.
Also within walking distance are a few dry cleaners…although I don’t need them – no more business casual. I’m wearing jeans, tshirts and tennis shoes every day!!!
On Sunday, I drove to Monterey to spend time with my pal Barb Maloney, her husband and daughter. The weather was sunny, clear, and beautiful with a slight breeze. Borrowed shorts from Barb…who knew it would be so warm there. We hung by the pool with a bottle of wine and snacks – yea baby!!! Then walked along the pier, watched jellyfish & crabs near the docks, and had Italian for dinner…along with a piece of German chocolate cake. It was so huge that I’m still eating it.
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