Monday, August 10, 2009

Learning New Tricks

I am learning new things every day, such as….

How to not lock myself out of the house when going into the backyard. Yea…got locked out with the owner…and she thought she unlocked the door. She couldn’t find the hideakey, so she showed me how to get in without having to squeeze through the doggie door….good thing - haven’t had to pull that trick since college.

How to roll an empty wine barrel that weighs as much as I do, if not more.

How to take wine samples from barrels without contaminating the wine. Can go do barrel tastings any time I want. Did I forget to tell you lately that I LOVE THIS GIG!!!

How high school chemistry could have been so much cooler…and maybe I would have gotten a better grade…if I knew it involved wine. Learned how to run tests for sugar, ph, acidity, alcohol, etc.

How to test for CO2…basically fill a thingy (my technical term), put another thingy with a spout on it, cover the spout and shake the hell out of it. Put a beaker over the spout, take your finger off and let it spurt out. (Like shaking a coke bottle and letting it spray out) Repeat until it no longer spurts. Measure b4 and after.

How to have fun in the cold room…tasted about 8 Napa cabs from 2008 barrel samples. Am trying to select which type of wine to make and from which vineyard. Will taste Pinot Noir later this week….did I tell you I LOVE THIS GIG!!!

Ciao - Linda


  1. I like your technical term thingy. Does that apply to the nude man at Baker's beach? I'm glad you're enjoying your GIG at work!

    Hang in there baby !
    Robert :)

  2. I thought you were gonna go to a completely different place when you started with " how to have fun in the cold room..." :-)
